Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Senior Composition

Every year students are required to take an English class as part of their graduation requirements. This year I took two different English classes one each semester. In my first semester I took Literature and Society with Mrs. Kuta, This class was all about reading books and doing projects. Now I got to take Senior Composition class which my teacher from last year told me it was a class where you would read books. At first I didn’t really like it because I noticed that we would be writing a lot of papers and have projects. I never liked writing papers throughout my whole high school career so I knew I wasn’t going to do very well in the class. As the class went on Mr. Hessert was a really great teacher. He taught everything to us very well and I actually understood it. I actually came to like writing papers because I knew what to writ about and it was easy. I Learned how to start off with a good introduction, and have a thesis included. Before when ever I wrote papers I tended to not stick to the subject but now I write my papers with support and evidence to my thesis.

The Newsweek’s were helpful in the class because it got me reading more than I did before. Even on my free periods that I had I would get one of the Newsweek’s that Mr. Hessert handed out to us and I would read an article in it. We even had to write once in a while on an article that we read and discuss it. The essays were actually easy essays to write. I thought they were going to be hard but once he describes them to us you know what to write about. The essay that I had the most trouble in was the Electric car essay. It was hard for me to focus on the topic which was who killed the electric car. I tended to drift away from the topic and I started writing about the electric car itself. My other essays were actually pretty easy because we had to describe something and include details, we had to write a narrative paper, and a definition essay. These were all actually pretty easy except for adding specific details to the paper.
We did a lot of independent reading and I liked that about the class. It got me to become a better reader and actually finishing a book completely. What I really loved about the class was whenever we had to write our papers or do our projects we always had lab time where we would be in the lab working on whatever we had to do. This saved us time from working on it at home so that way we could finish it at school. Although some students didn’t actually work instead they would play games or just chat with their friends. I personally enjoyed this time because I got to work on my papers and ask questions.

What I didn’t really like about the class was that we had to work on a workbook called Evergreen. This book was pointless because we didn’t really get anything out of it. Most of the material we had already learned from our English classes before. The best thing that I learned from the class is how to post a blog on something that you wrote. I found this rather interesting because I had never done this before. This also helped me out a lot because it made me become a better writer.

Overall, I really enjoyed taking this class this year. This was one of my best English classes that I have ever taken and I really learned a lot from it. Like how to write a well organized paper, and sticking to the topic. Writing a thesis and sticking to the topic and as well as writing a conclusion. The Newsweek’s were helpful and they were interesting to read. It made me become a better reader as well as independent reading. I had a lot of time reading my book and I actually finished it. Overall, the whole class was incredible and I enjoyed it. It taught me a lot from taking it.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Who Killed The Electric Car

The electric car was an invention that was very popular to the United States. It was first created around 88 years ago in Richmond, Va. The electric car has many great benefits than a regular gasoline powered vehicle. The benefits over a gasoline powered vehicle are that the driver doesn’t use gas in an electric car; it creates less pollution for the environment, it makes less of a mess for mechanics, and the driver can charge it whenever they want to use it. Over the years the electric car was killed and is no longer around. There are many key features in the film “Who Killed the Electric Car” by Chris Paine that researches believe killed the electric car. The ones that are to blame are consumers, the battery, oil companies, car companies, government, and hydrogen fuel cell. We have to figure out who killed the electric car.

In the film “Who Killed the Electric” by Chris Paine they did research on what could have killed the electric car. The first study that they researched on what might of killed the electric car was the battery. They believe that the battery didn’t run how it was supposed to run and that’s why the car went at such a slow speed. They said it didn’t run on it’s usual speed. The battery had several problems to it. First of all, the battery took long to completely charge so the driver had to wait a couple hours for it to be done. A typical battery took about four to ten hours to be fully charged. Another problem with the battery is that they are expensive to buy especially if you want the high powered ones. They range from $20,000 to $30,000 for the advanced batteries. In the film Who Killed the Electric Car the battery was not guilty.

Another element that could have caused the electric car to die is the consumers. The electric car creates much less pollution than that of a regular gasoline powered vehicle. The gasoline powered vehicle creates pollution because of the gasoline and it harms the environment. In Chris Paine’s “Who Killed the Electric Car” film people didn’t want to drive the electric car because they were too busy driving big SUV’s. The electric car was powered by EV’s rather than gasoline. Eventually the consumers were guilty of the killing of the electric car.

Our next suspect is the government. In Chris Paine’s film “Who Killed the Electric Car” the government was also found guilty on the killing of the electric car. They made a lawsuit on the ZEV mandate which is the Zero Emission Vehicle stating that the electric car was effecting the fuel economy. Then finally in April 2004 the California Air Resources Board eliminated the Zero Emission Vehicle and permanently eliminated electric cars. The government was found guilty.

Overall, the electric car was an invention that had many great benefits to people. It had many great benefits than that of a regular gasoline powered vehicle. It didn’t run on gas, it created less pollution for the environment, and the driver can charge it whenever they want and use it. But eventually the electric car was killed and the only element not responsible for the killing of the electric car is the battery, all the rest of the elements are guilty and they are the ones responsible. If it wasn’t for the people, the oil company’s, the consumers, and the government the electric car would still be here.

Narrative: I Knew I Was In Trouble When

Getting in trouble is a big consequence in life. If you do something wrong you have to learn to pay for the consequence. Everybody has gotten in trouble in life at least one time, many have gotten in trouble hundreds of times. You come to realize that once someone’s gotten in trouble that many times they would now learn from their mistakes and realize what’s right from wrong but they still don’t understand. Hanging around with people that are always getting into trouble is also a bad idea because eventually you will start being like them. An example would be like myself. My day started going well; I went to everyone of my classes and turned in all my homework. That same day we had a pep assembly right after 7th period. We were supposes to sit according to what year your in in school. I was really looking forward to attending it. When it came time for the pep assembly to begin the hall were really crowded and it was hard to move. Everyone was trying to figure out where their grade was sitting. I didn’t care where I sat so I didn’t bother to look for the senior class so I just sat anywhere but I actually happened to sit next to my friends. At that point I knew we were going to get in trouble for something because my friends that I sat by were just trouble makers and every time I’m with them I just happen to get in trouble with them.

As the assembly started everything was going very well. We were watching the performers act out their performances like the cheerleaders and the demon squad. As the assembly was going on we my friends noticed a boy that they didn’t like so they were deciding to do something. I had my drink that I had bought with me from lunch and once I finished it they grabbed the ice that was left in the cup and they began throwing it at the kid. The kid didn’t notice who was throwing it but then again the ice never hit him. One of my friends had a rubber band in his hand and was about to shoot it but a teacher noticed him and made a hand signal not to do it. She gave us a warning to stop throwing things but I told her it wasn’t me it was them. As the ending of the assembly neared my friend decided he was going to go up to him. I didn’t want to be involved but at the same time I was on my friends side. The assembly ended and everybody started leaving and again it became crowded so it was a perfect time. We waited until he got in front of us and we began following him. Once he looked at me he gave me a dirty look so I stared at him back and we began talking smack to each other. As we approached the doors upstairs in the field house my other friend came up close to him and got him against the wall and also began talking smack to him.

As all the students were leaving out the doors they noticed what was about to happen and some started slowing down to watch. Their were no teachers around so my friend swung at him and punched him right on his chin and by the eye. He kid tried to defend himself because it was a 2 on 1. He tried to swing back but found that he couldn’t and we began to fight him. Students noticed what was happening and began crowding around yelling and watching. My friend kept hitting him until we noticed a teacher coming and then at that time we decided to run away and get out of there. We figured we wouldn’t get caught so we started laughing at what we had done. The kid that was being hit stayed back and the teacher started to question him. He was hurt so the teacher took him to the nurse. My friend and I went to our 8th period classes and I was safe or so I thought I was. I had English class with Mrs. Kuta and we were working on a project on a book that we had just read. I was so glad that I had not been caught but as soon as I began to work with my partner I saw one of the security’s from school coming inside the room. I began to panic and was hoping that he wasn’t coming for me. He came in and started talking with my teacher so I thought he was just passing by but then he asked for Mr. Machado and at that point I knew I was in trouble. I got my things and as we were both walking he was asking me what happened and I told him I saw what happened but I wasn’t involved. He took me to the deans office and made me write on a paper what had happened. So I wrote down everything but I didn’t actually write everything down. I made it sound like if I didn’t do anything. My dean called me in and began asking me what happened and the kid that we had hit was in the room a well and e told my dean that I was talking smack to him and that I had went up to him looking for a fight and that I had hit him. She was asking me why I had done it and I just told her that I was protecting my friends side. She didn’t say much after and told me she was going to let me go and talk to me tomorrow because it was already the end of the school day. I was happy to go home and I thought nothing was going to happen to me.

The next day in school everything was normal as if nothing had happened the day before. I thought my dean had forgot about he incident so I wasn’t worried anymore. As it got to the end of 3rd period someone bought in a blue pass which meant someone was going to see their dean. I then knew it was for me and I was right. My teacher gave me the pass and I went to see what she was going to talk to me about. She came to her conclusions and said she was going to suspend me for 10 days for what had happened. She called my parents and then let me go home. I thought to myself, why did I sit there with them and why did I do that. I was so mad at myself for what had happened. At that point I knew I couldn’t get in trouble again at school because my dean told me if another incident like this occurs again I will be expelled from school.

I stayed home for 10 days and thought bout what I had done and realized that I hang around with bad people and every time I’m with them I know I’m going to get into some kind of trouble. It’s times like this when people realized that what they do is wrong and shouldn’t be doing it at all. If you hang out with people who are always getting themselves into trouble you should do what they do or hang out with them as much otherwise you might turn into them and as soon as you know it, your getting in trouble at home, at school, and even out in the streets. It’s better to just be yourself and get your education and make your money by getting a job.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Definition Essay: The Real Meaning of Teamwork

When you here of the word teamwork what is the first thing that comes to your mind. To me I think of a group of people working together as a team to try and accomplish something that they have in mind. Some people don’t realize it but teamwork is around them at every time every day. It occurs whether you’re at work, school, at home, at a store, basically anywhere around you. Teamwork is an important element to use when needed because mostly everything that you do around you involves the help of a group of people. Whether its two or three you have to be able to work as a team unless it’s a one man job that you could do by your self then you don’t need a group of people. I have used teamwork a lot In my life throughout my years. Some of the time I didn’t even know I was using it.

One day we had to assemble a garage for one of our neighbors. We gathered up all our tools that we needed and we began working. We first needed to make sure it was leveled so we had to dig in the grass so we can make it flat. My cousin and I were digging together so we can finish faster. He did one side and I did the other and we even helped each other out. My brother and my dad were beginning to put the boards on the bottom as my cousin and I finished digging and leveling. My godfather evened the boards out and put them in place and leveled them using a leveling tool. We finished that part rather quick, it was still hard work but we all worked together and helped each other out if we needed it.

After this part was done we all started getting the pieces together to see what goes with what. Like the doors and the roof and the sides of it. We began with the bottom pieces and started screwing them together so they would hold tight and not fall off. As my dad and my brother worked on one segment of the garage, I began working on the door. I began screwing the two doors together by my self. Once I was done with it my cousin realized that I had put the wrong pieces together and he helped me out with it. We took it all apart and put it on together and finally it was on the right way. If it wasn’t for my cousin I would have put it on the wrong way and we would have wasted time. We all worked really hard and helped each other. I helped my cousin by screwing on the screws on the pieces of the garage. We finished putting it together before dark and it was well organized that the owner paid us for the job. We completed the job as a team because we all worked together on it and helped each other out. This is what teamwork really is in life when people work together.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Description Essay: My Neighborhood

What comes to your mind when someone says the word neighborhood. To me it’s where a person lives at and what’s around their home. The houses, trees, schools, stores, etc. Everybody has his/her own neighborhood that they live in. The neighborhood in which you live in is different from everyone else’s. That’s why if everyone was to describe their own neighborhood, everyone’s would all be different considering the place where you live. Some neighborhoods can be surrounded by flowers, trees, buildings, houses, fences and many other things. While some neighborhoods can have up to nothing around there neighborhoods. I know my neighborhood is different from everyone else’s. I live in an apartment on Cumberland Avenue in Niles.

My apartment is surrounded by many other apartments. They all have 6 apartments in them with two bedrooms each except for number 1 which only has 1 bedroom. There is a fire department around my apartment. That’s where all the fire trucks are and the ambulances’ are kept. This is the building where all the firefighters sleep at and where they play baseball and basketball in the summer. There’s times where their playing baseball and then the alarm rings which means they have an emergency so they go inside and go to work. Across the street from where I live is a bank where people go to cash checks, open up a savings account, and put money in their account. There’s also an oil express where you can take you car and get your oil changed for a cheap price. The best thing around in my neighborhood is McDonalds because whenever I’m hungry I can just walk there and get me something to eat.

The closest school in my neighborhood is Gemini Junior High School. If you start walking down my sidewalk you will see the field of Gemini where all the students from Gemini play sports. During the summers, we all go and play football or soccer even in the winter. It’s located rite next to Iceland and across the street from where Dominick’s used to be at. You also got blockbuster close by so if u want to watch a movie and you don’t have it you could just go and rent it and get some popcorn. There is also Golf Mill Mall where you can go and hang out with your friends, you can go and shop there, or you could go to the movies and watch a movie. Some people might think that these places are far to walk to but their not because they don’t live around there so their not used to it.

There are some bad sides to living in my neighborhood and that is it’s involved with gangs. It’s somewhat filled with violence and drugs. Police officers have to drive by everyday and night to check up on the neighborhood. If they see a group of people just hanging around they will pull them over for no reason just to check up on them. If they see a car filled with people they’ll start throwing bottles at the car. It’s hard enough for the people living around there because they will be scared for their children’s safety. Although it is a good place to live around with an exception to the bad things about it.

My Bloody Life. The Making of a Latin King

Throughout my entire years I attended school I have read many books. Some which I enjoyed reading and some in which I found rather boring that I got to the point where I got tired of reading it and I decided to stop. There were so many great books that I have read that I enjoyed reading but none of the books compare to my favorite book that I have read and I really enjoyed it so much that I read it around 3 to 5 times. My Bloody Life. The Making of a Latin King by Reymundo Sanchez is the book that I love to read and its my favorite book out of all the books that I have read.

This book is based on a true story of a young boy trying to survive on his own on the streets of Chicago. The main character is Reymundo Sanchez. Throughout his childhood he gets beat by his mom and his step dad for no reason so he starts misbehaving in school. His parents leave him and move back to Puerto Rico so he’s left alone with his stepbrother. He soon gets involved in gangs and wants o be like them. He first wants to be a Latin Disciple because he thinks they are popular and get all the girls they want.

As he gets a little bit older he starts hanging out with a different gang and as soon as you know it he gets involved in the world of gangs and drugs. He starts getting high and drinking liquor and becomes crazy and violent. At the age f 14 he becomes initiated by the Latin Kings by performing a violent act. He went on a drive by and shot and killed a rival gang member. He soon started getting high and drunk on a regular basis so he can become the violent person that he was which was LiL Loco meaning crazy. He soon gets really violent and starts gangbanging everyday not caring for the lives of innocent people or for the life of his.

He starts living a terrible and bloody life filled with violence and drugs and sex. What will his life be like when he gets much more older. Will he still be involved with gangs and drugs, well you will have to read it to find out. There is a sequel to this book called Once A King, Always A King. The Unmaking of A Latin King. In this book he explains how his life is after My Bloody life. I would recommend this book for people to read because it’s filled with excitement, action, and drama.

If you’re the type of reader that’s into these types of books then this is the book for you to read. It will leave you wanting to read more and not put the book down. It’s basically a page turner that’s filled with excitement. So get your copy now of My Bloody Life and start reading this action pact book. For those young kids involved in gangs or wanting to be in a gang, read this book and see how a gang banger lives his life and see what your might be like. This book will actually save some peoples lives by reading it.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Cubs Newest Player

Go cubbies!! The Chicago Cubs are on fire this season. They are playing so well and meeting their expectations. They are working and playing as a team and communicating very well with each other. Unlike last season they are actually in first place in their division. They hold a record of 26 wins and 16 losses. This is incredible for them, if they keep up the good work they will make the playoffs. With all their great players on their team including Derek Lee, Aramis Ramirez, Ronny Cedeno, and Alfonso Soriano they could make it all the way. Their pictures are extraordinary this season. They have Carlos Zambrano, Ryan Dempster, Kerry Wood, and of Jason Marquis.

Along with this roster they have added a new player to their roster. Their newest player to their roster is none other than Jim Edmonds. He made his Wrigley Field debut with the cubs on Thursday May 15 against his old team the Padres. The fans from Wrigley cheered him on as he signed autographs for the fans and the little ones. He was 1 for 4 in the game against the padres and he did hear some boos from the fans when he struck out in the 7th inning with the bases loaded. He was signed by the cubs last Friday after he was released by the padres. Now he’ll be wearing the cubs uniform in white and blue.

I believe that having Jim Edmonds on their team will be a great benefit for their team this season and for the following seasons after. They have the golden glove winner as their outfielder and as a great batter who can surely hit the ball out of the park. His batting average will definitely go up depending on his batting average. He’ll probably start off a little bit poorly but once he gets used to playing with his team members he will get into his rhythm and will start hitting home runs. Now we’ll just have to wait and see how he plays in their upcoming games and see how he does. Go Cubbies!!!