Saturday, May 24, 2008

Narrative: I Knew I Was In Trouble When

Getting in trouble is a big consequence in life. If you do something wrong you have to learn to pay for the consequence. Everybody has gotten in trouble in life at least one time, many have gotten in trouble hundreds of times. You come to realize that once someone’s gotten in trouble that many times they would now learn from their mistakes and realize what’s right from wrong but they still don’t understand. Hanging around with people that are always getting into trouble is also a bad idea because eventually you will start being like them. An example would be like myself. My day started going well; I went to everyone of my classes and turned in all my homework. That same day we had a pep assembly right after 7th period. We were supposes to sit according to what year your in in school. I was really looking forward to attending it. When it came time for the pep assembly to begin the hall were really crowded and it was hard to move. Everyone was trying to figure out where their grade was sitting. I didn’t care where I sat so I didn’t bother to look for the senior class so I just sat anywhere but I actually happened to sit next to my friends. At that point I knew we were going to get in trouble for something because my friends that I sat by were just trouble makers and every time I’m with them I just happen to get in trouble with them.

As the assembly started everything was going very well. We were watching the performers act out their performances like the cheerleaders and the demon squad. As the assembly was going on we my friends noticed a boy that they didn’t like so they were deciding to do something. I had my drink that I had bought with me from lunch and once I finished it they grabbed the ice that was left in the cup and they began throwing it at the kid. The kid didn’t notice who was throwing it but then again the ice never hit him. One of my friends had a rubber band in his hand and was about to shoot it but a teacher noticed him and made a hand signal not to do it. She gave us a warning to stop throwing things but I told her it wasn’t me it was them. As the ending of the assembly neared my friend decided he was going to go up to him. I didn’t want to be involved but at the same time I was on my friends side. The assembly ended and everybody started leaving and again it became crowded so it was a perfect time. We waited until he got in front of us and we began following him. Once he looked at me he gave me a dirty look so I stared at him back and we began talking smack to each other. As we approached the doors upstairs in the field house my other friend came up close to him and got him against the wall and also began talking smack to him.

As all the students were leaving out the doors they noticed what was about to happen and some started slowing down to watch. Their were no teachers around so my friend swung at him and punched him right on his chin and by the eye. He kid tried to defend himself because it was a 2 on 1. He tried to swing back but found that he couldn’t and we began to fight him. Students noticed what was happening and began crowding around yelling and watching. My friend kept hitting him until we noticed a teacher coming and then at that time we decided to run away and get out of there. We figured we wouldn’t get caught so we started laughing at what we had done. The kid that was being hit stayed back and the teacher started to question him. He was hurt so the teacher took him to the nurse. My friend and I went to our 8th period classes and I was safe or so I thought I was. I had English class with Mrs. Kuta and we were working on a project on a book that we had just read. I was so glad that I had not been caught but as soon as I began to work with my partner I saw one of the security’s from school coming inside the room. I began to panic and was hoping that he wasn’t coming for me. He came in and started talking with my teacher so I thought he was just passing by but then he asked for Mr. Machado and at that point I knew I was in trouble. I got my things and as we were both walking he was asking me what happened and I told him I saw what happened but I wasn’t involved. He took me to the deans office and made me write on a paper what had happened. So I wrote down everything but I didn’t actually write everything down. I made it sound like if I didn’t do anything. My dean called me in and began asking me what happened and the kid that we had hit was in the room a well and e told my dean that I was talking smack to him and that I had went up to him looking for a fight and that I had hit him. She was asking me why I had done it and I just told her that I was protecting my friends side. She didn’t say much after and told me she was going to let me go and talk to me tomorrow because it was already the end of the school day. I was happy to go home and I thought nothing was going to happen to me.

The next day in school everything was normal as if nothing had happened the day before. I thought my dean had forgot about he incident so I wasn’t worried anymore. As it got to the end of 3rd period someone bought in a blue pass which meant someone was going to see their dean. I then knew it was for me and I was right. My teacher gave me the pass and I went to see what she was going to talk to me about. She came to her conclusions and said she was going to suspend me for 10 days for what had happened. She called my parents and then let me go home. I thought to myself, why did I sit there with them and why did I do that. I was so mad at myself for what had happened. At that point I knew I couldn’t get in trouble again at school because my dean told me if another incident like this occurs again I will be expelled from school.

I stayed home for 10 days and thought bout what I had done and realized that I hang around with bad people and every time I’m with them I know I’m going to get into some kind of trouble. It’s times like this when people realized that what they do is wrong and shouldn’t be doing it at all. If you hang out with people who are always getting themselves into trouble you should do what they do or hang out with them as much otherwise you might turn into them and as soon as you know it, your getting in trouble at home, at school, and even out in the streets. It’s better to just be yourself and get your education and make your money by getting a job.

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