Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Senior Composition

Every year students are required to take an English class as part of their graduation requirements. This year I took two different English classes one each semester. In my first semester I took Literature and Society with Mrs. Kuta, This class was all about reading books and doing projects. Now I got to take Senior Composition class which my teacher from last year told me it was a class where you would read books. At first I didn’t really like it because I noticed that we would be writing a lot of papers and have projects. I never liked writing papers throughout my whole high school career so I knew I wasn’t going to do very well in the class. As the class went on Mr. Hessert was a really great teacher. He taught everything to us very well and I actually understood it. I actually came to like writing papers because I knew what to writ about and it was easy. I Learned how to start off with a good introduction, and have a thesis included. Before when ever I wrote papers I tended to not stick to the subject but now I write my papers with support and evidence to my thesis.

The Newsweek’s were helpful in the class because it got me reading more than I did before. Even on my free periods that I had I would get one of the Newsweek’s that Mr. Hessert handed out to us and I would read an article in it. We even had to write once in a while on an article that we read and discuss it. The essays were actually easy essays to write. I thought they were going to be hard but once he describes them to us you know what to write about. The essay that I had the most trouble in was the Electric car essay. It was hard for me to focus on the topic which was who killed the electric car. I tended to drift away from the topic and I started writing about the electric car itself. My other essays were actually pretty easy because we had to describe something and include details, we had to write a narrative paper, and a definition essay. These were all actually pretty easy except for adding specific details to the paper.
We did a lot of independent reading and I liked that about the class. It got me to become a better reader and actually finishing a book completely. What I really loved about the class was whenever we had to write our papers or do our projects we always had lab time where we would be in the lab working on whatever we had to do. This saved us time from working on it at home so that way we could finish it at school. Although some students didn’t actually work instead they would play games or just chat with their friends. I personally enjoyed this time because I got to work on my papers and ask questions.

What I didn’t really like about the class was that we had to work on a workbook called Evergreen. This book was pointless because we didn’t really get anything out of it. Most of the material we had already learned from our English classes before. The best thing that I learned from the class is how to post a blog on something that you wrote. I found this rather interesting because I had never done this before. This also helped me out a lot because it made me become a better writer.

Overall, I really enjoyed taking this class this year. This was one of my best English classes that I have ever taken and I really learned a lot from it. Like how to write a well organized paper, and sticking to the topic. Writing a thesis and sticking to the topic and as well as writing a conclusion. The Newsweek’s were helpful and they were interesting to read. It made me become a better reader as well as independent reading. I had a lot of time reading my book and I actually finished it. Overall, the whole class was incredible and I enjoyed it. It taught me a lot from taking it.

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